Time limits
We ask that a complaint is made promptly and, unless there are extenuating circumstances, no later than three months from when the incident occurred or the facts giving rise to the complaint became known. Delays in making a complaint may make it more difficult to assess, and a long delay may make it impossible to consider the issue fairly. However, we appreciate that, depending on the nature of the complaint, it can take time to build up the courage to make a complaint.
To ensure this complaints process is fair, and to protect the identities of those involved, we will deal with all complaints confidentially, both during and after the process. If there is a breach in confidentiality, unless this has been mutually agreed by all involved parties, a complaint might be dismissed.
If you do not wish to be identified to the person you are complaining about, please make this clear in your email/letter to us at the outset. We will keep your name confidential. Please note that this does not mean complete anonymity as this may not be possible in all circumstances and may affect our ability to investigate your complaint fully, and it may impact the outcome of your complaint. However, we will do our best to observe your wishes and will consult you if anonymity presents any obstacles to finding a resolution.
Complaints subject to a pending Company Resolution
Any complaint which is subject to, relates to, or may be affected by a Company Resolution that has been proposed at an upcoming General Meeting may be paused pending the outcome of the Resolution. In such circumstances you will receive a copy of the proposed Resolution.
Time-wasting complaints and proportionality
We will do our best to address your complaint and we will respond to all complaints. However, as a not-for-profit organisation with limited resources, we may not investigate your complaint in the following circumstances:
- Where we consider the complaint to be vexatious and made not in good faith.
- Where a single complainant is making multiple and repeated complaints.
- Where a complaint appears to be designed to take up disproportionate time and resource.
In any of these circumstances, it may mean that we do not investigate the complaint further.
In some cases your complaint may be better dealt with as feedback if your complaint is about an issue we have recently considered or we are currently acting on. If this is the case, we will advise you of the action that has been taken.
Complaints against SoA members
We will not consider complaints against voluntary office-holders or other members for their actions outside of SoA business activities. This includes members’ personal social media activities.
Reservation of rights
Whilst this procedure sets out our process for dealing with complaints against the SoA, we reserve the right to deal with a complaint outside of this process where we consider it appropriate or expedient to do so. For example, where a complaint is already being addressed or action has recently been taken.
Please let us know if you need any extra support when we contact you, for example, a larger font size.
If you have questions about this complaints procedure, please email us.