We manage the literary estates of many distinguished writers, including Bernard Shaw, Virginia Woolf, Philip Larkin and Rosamond Lehmann.
The income from this supports the work of the SoA.
We handle a variety of rights from print permissions to licences for foreign language publication and major stage productions.
If you are interested in acquiring rights, including English language, translation, audio or film rights, please email Lisa Dowdeswell or call the Estates team on 020 3880 2230.
The estates we manage
An A-Z listing of our 58 literary estates.
Apply for permissions
Your first step to obtaining permission to reproduce material by the authors whose literary estates we represent.
The plays we represent
An A-Z listing of dramatists/translators and the works for which we handle stage rights.
Apply for stage rights
We license amateur and professional stage productions of plays by a number of dramatists and translators, including Bernard Shaw, T. S. Eliot and Elisaveta Fen.