The Risa Domb/Porjes Prize is administered by the Jewish Literary Foundation. The prize of £2,000 has been awarded triennially since 1998 and recognises the English translation of a full-length Hebrew book, fiction or non-fiction, of general interest and literary merit.
The prize is sponsored by the Edith and Ferdinand Porjes Charitable Trust, a grant-making charity which was established in the late 1970s. The Trust was constituted for general charitable purposes with particular regard to the promotion of the arts both in the UK and Israel and welfare within the Jewish community, with special reference to the needs of children and young people.
The Risa Domb/Porjes Prize is awarded triennially and is not currently open for submissions.
2022 (presented 2023)
- Winner: Linda Yechiel for a translation of House on Endless Waters by Emuna Elon (Allen & Unwin, Atlantic Books)
2019 (presented 2020)
- Winner: Peter C. Appelbaum for a translation of Hell on Earth by Avigdor Hameiri (Wayne State University Press)
- Shortlisted: Jessica Cohen for a translation of A Horse Walks Into a Bar by David Grossman (Vintage)
- Nicholas de Lange for a translation of Judas by Amos Oz (Vintage)
- Rachel Tzvia Back for a translation of On the Surface of Silence by Lea Goldberg (Hebrew Union College Press)
2016 (presented 2017)
- Winner: Rachel Tzvia Back for her translation of In the Illuminated Dark by Tuvia Ruebner (University of Pittsburgh Press)
- Commended: Dalya Bilu for her translation of Married Life and Viennese Romance by David Vogel (Toby Press and Scribe Publications)
Jewish Literary Foundation
The Jewish Literary Foundation is the UK’s Jewish literary platform presenting the best in contemporary literature and ideas through events and cultural experiences, to inspire readership, connect with Jewish culture, and entertain audiences.
Their activities include one of the world’s longest-running annual literary festivals, Jewish Book Week, an online digital platform with almost 1,000 hours of video content, a growing set of programmes for schools and emerging writers, and a varied programme of events throughout the year in London, across other major UK cities, and online.