Subscription rates

Membership rates start from just £22.75 per quarter and are tax-deductible*.

Your first payment must be paid by card or cheque when joining – but you can sign up to our Direct Debit scheme at the same time and save over 5%.

To sign up for £10 million of public liability insurance for only an extra £10 per year, choose Membership PLUS.

* Your SoA subscription is a tax-deductible expense if you are self-employed or operating as a small business.

Membership PLUS brings you all the benefits of standard SoA Membership plus £10 million of public liability insurance – all for just £10 more than our regular subscription.

About our public liability insurance

Membership PLUS offers £10 million in public liability insurance, designed for authors who perform, visit schools, run workshops, or take part in other public-facing work.

Our public liability insurance policy is provided by Hencilla, who run similar plans for the Musician’s Union, Equity, BECTU and the Incorporated Society of Musicians.

Personal service companies

In addition to covering freelance members, the policy can also cover the ‘personal service company’ of an insured member. This means that you still still be covered if you operate through a limited company where you are the sole director and employee, with the exception of another family member undertaking clerical and administrative duties only.

Direct Debit
Standard £140£35£147
Available on request to those over 65 who are not earning a significant amount of money from writing, and to those in receipt of state benefits.
Youth and Student
Available to those aged 35 or under, and those (of any age) studying on a course of at least one academic year, who are not yet earning a significant amount of money from writing.
Joint (one PLI cover)
Available on request to two members resident at the same address. Only one member (to be specified) will be covered by Public Liability Insurance. All other services and benefits remain the same, except for our magazine which you will only receive one copy of per household.
Joint (two PLI covers)
Available on request to two members resident at the same address. All services and benefits remain the same, except for our magazine which you will only receive one copy of per household. Both members will be covered by Public Liability Insurance, and all services and benefits remain the same, except for our magazine which you will only receive one copy of per household.
Direct Debit
Standard rate£130£32.50£137
Available on request to those over 65 who are not earning a significant amount of money from writing, and to those in receipt of state benefits.
Youth and Student
Available to those aged 35 or under, and those (of any age) studying on a course of at least one academic year, who are not yet earning a significant amount of money from writing.
Only available to on request to two members resident at the same address. All services and benefits remain the same, except for our magazine which you will only receive one copy of per household. 

If you have any questions about your eligibility that are not answered on this page, email our membership team – – or call 020 3880 2230.