Report a concern

How we handle unacceptable behaviour

We encourage anyone who is the victim of any form of bullying, harassment or unacceptable behaviour when interacting with the SoA or using any of our services, to report it to us as soon as possible.

All complaints that are raised will be taken seriously. However, if after initial review we believe that criminal activity may have occurred, your complaint will be suspended pending police investigation.

Our complaints procedure aims to ensure that the SoA remains a respectful, considerate and professional organisation. We will signpost people to appropriate action in the face of any breaches of our Dignity and Respect Policy.

Please note that we can only deal with complaints in relation to interactions that occur during SoA business activities.

Please let us know if you need any extra support when we contact you, for example, a larger font size.

If you have questions about this complaints procedure, please email us.

How the SoA can support with unacceptable behaviour that takes place elsewhere

If you experience online abuse, harassment and bullying, please see our support guidance.

If you experience difficulties in professional relationships, please visit our support pages or get in touch if you need individual, confidential advice, support and signposting from one of our professional advisors.

For behaviour outside the SoA, our role is that of mediator or trusted intermediary. This means that, if a member asks us, we will offer individual advice, support and signposting on any issue, and we may intervene with agents and publishers on behalf of a member, where appropriate.

You can find advice, support, and report information to the following organisations:

ACAS: What sexual harassment is – Sexual harassment – Acas


PROTECT: Sexual Harassment and Whistleblowing – Protect (

See: further support and information