Our approach to disputes between authors

We will always intervene with agents and publishers on behalf of our members, but we do not get involved in individual debates or disputes between authors

As an organisation, we are signatory to the Book and Publishing Industry Professional Values. We actively work with industry organisations to uphold these values. We will always intervene with agents and publishers on behalf of our members but we do not get involved in individual debates or disputes between authors.

We offer individual, confidential advice and support to all our members and we will always endeavour to give an unbiased view on any professional business matter.

We work to promote and protect freedom of expression. As a professional community representing more than 12,500 authors of all types and from all backgrounds, our members have a multiplicity of views, and they are free to exercise their views however uncomfortable we might sometimes find it. We support the rights of our members to hold and to state lawful views on any issues.

In all of our activities we work towards greater inclusion, diversity and representation across publishing and we welcome all authors as members, whatever their opinions.

SoA staff are the professional representatives, advisors and spokespeople for our members. Our expertise lies in the small print: vetting contracts, lobbying government, giving grants and prizes. We do not comment on what members should or should not write, draw, perform or translate, but we do ask authors, and the wider creative community, to be mindful of the impact of what they create, do and say, and to be mindful of the industry codes of behaviour.

We hope our members will treat others with dignity and respect, but it is not our place to enforce this unless they are attending SoA events and meetings or communicating on SoA-owned platforms.

Our approach

  1. We condemn any kind of racist, hate or unprofessional speech.
  2. We ask for a professional level of behaviour, outlined in our own policy and in the the Book & Publishing Industry’s Professional Values. We encourage members to make a complaint under our policy if you are concerned about another member’s behaviour. For behaviour outside the SoA our role is that of mediator or trusted intermediary.
  3. We do not get involved in individual debates or disputes between authors.
  4. While we deplore bullying, trolling and personal remarks, we do not usually speak out publicly on individual cases of trolling, especially if we have not been asked by the author to do so, and particularly on social media which is not a sufficiently nuanced forum for such debates.
  5. We will always provide private support for authors targeted. See our guidance: what to do if you are a subject of online abuse, harassment or bullying.
  6. We lobby against morality clauses in both private and public. We are alarmed at the proliferation of these clauses in publishing contracts, and we ask all authors to speak up against them. 
  7.  If, as a member, you ask us, we will offer individual advice and support on any issue and may intervene with agents and publishers on your behalf where appropriate.

How we can help

If you experience online abuse, harassment and bullying, please see our support guidance.

If you experience difficulties in professional relationships, please visit our support pages or get in touch so that we can signpost you to the most appropriate service.

Please get in touch if you need individual, confidential advice and support.