Comics Creators Network

© Woodrow Phoenix
A professional support network for comics creators

Now that comics are an established artform and graphic novels an acceptable addition to any shelf, the number of creators working in the field has quite rightly multiplied and, naturally, they have questions. What are our rights? What terms can you ask for? What should you accept? What is ‘industry standard’ when the ‘industry’ only exists in air quotes?

Woodrow Phoenix and Hannah Berry, network founders

The Comics Creators Network is a pressure group of working authors that advocates for the rights of traditionally and self-published creators of comics and graphic novels in the UK.

The comics industry has a history of treating people who work in it as disposable, and this is something that needs to change. It can be hard to push back when bad conditions are often viewed as standard practice, but if you publish comics you are an author just like every other poet, essayist or novelist, and you deserve to be treated the same way. No one should accept substandard treatment because they are grateful for being published. 

We want to raise standards across the publishing environment by holding publishers to account and highlighting best practice. We will advocate for fair contracts and set standards for effective and equitable collaboration between creators. 

We also advocate for a more diverse, inclusive, and accepting comics industry. We want to improve access to comics, from routes into the industry, to best practice for industry events.

We do this by:

  • Holding regular online community meetings to discuss issues and offer a platform for peer-support, experience sharing, and conversation
  • Working with SoA to offer access to training and workshops
  • Signposting authors to the legal advice, contract vetting and other support offered by SoA
  • Working with industry bodies, publishers, and events organisers to improve access to the industry 
  • Conducting research and speaking with publishers and stakeholders in the comics to lobby for change.

We will do this in conjunction with the Society of Authors. Members receive unlimited free advice on all aspects of the profession, including confidential clause-by-clause contract vetting, individual guidance and advice on all aspects of your professional life, and help with disputes or concerns.

Together, we aim to:

  • Empower comics creators with practical advice on all professional areas
  • Develop professional practice with free events and webinars
  • Negotiate fairer terms and agreements with publishers
  • Advocate for better industry standards.

This was my first SoA event and I was unsure what to expect. I loved it, I felt privileged to be among such knowledgeable and wise heads, and I was swept up in the enthusiasm of the contributors.The last couple of years have been difficult, work-wise, and this one event did more for my morale than anything has in recent months. I feel like I am no longer floundering but moving forward, buoyed by the ideas and support I encountered at last night’s event.

Simon Gurr, network member

The Comics Creators Network meets online twice a year to discuss any and all issues related to comics professional practice. All members are welcome to attend, connect with one another, and offer and receive support in a supportive environment.

We advocate on behalf of all comics creators for a better industry. To receive legal advice and take advantage of all the resources offered by the network,  join the Society of Authors using the code COMICS20 to receive 20% off membership. If you are already an SoA member, email

The current Comics Creators Network Steering Committee is Nyla Ahmad, Hannah Berry, Maria Stoian, Simon Moreton, Alice Nuttall, Woodrow Phoenix, and Zara Slattery.

For accessibility guidance for comic art and zine fairs, please see Zara Slattery’s useful checklist.