Thank you for your interest in obtaining permission to reproduce material by authors whose literary estates we represent. Before you apply, please read our Guide to Copyright & Permissions available from the link below.
Application process
We aim to respond to queries within three weeks. At this stage we may need to request further information from you or we will issue you with a quote and/or specify any conditions that might apply. In some cases (e.g. for the use of unpublished material) we may need to consult with the estate and this may delay the process.
If you are applying for permission to use multiple works by the same author, please include all of the details on the same request form.
If permission is granted for a fee, you will receive a licence, which will include our payment details.
Please note
We receive many requests in relation to the following authors:
- T S Eliot
We handle stage, screen and audio rights in Eliot’s plays. For permission to quote from or reproduce his poems, contact Faber >> - Philip Larkin
For permission to quote from or reproduce Larkin’s poems in print or audio format, contact Faber >> - W B Yeats
We handle screen and radio rights. For publication rights, contact United Agents >>