The 2023 Management Committee elections are underway, with 12 candidates standing for four seats on the SoA Board.
If you are a Full Member, you should receive your ballot materials in late September or early October. Most UK-based Full Members will receive a ballot paper and candidate statements, along with a UK reply-paid envelope, with the Autumn edition of The Author.
We will send you your ballot paper and candidate statements separately if:
- You are a joint Full Member
- You are a Full Member living outside the UK
- You are a Full Member who does not receive the print version of The Author.
These will be sent to you directly by Civica, who are administering our 2023 elections.
In line with trade union governance, only postal votes are eligible. Please cast your vote by post using the reply-paid envelope enclosed with your ballot paper. The deadline for receipt of all votes is noon, Wednesday 25 October. If you have lost your envelope, post your ballot to the freepost address FREEPOST CIVICA ELECTION SERVICES on the envelope.
For more information, please see our ballot FAQs.
Remember, the authors you elect to the Management Committee are there to represent your interests in the future direction of your union. Be sure to read through the candidate statements thoroughly to help inform your decision.
We will announce the four new Management Committee members in October, and they will take their seats after the AGM on Thursday 16 November.