SoA publishes manifesto asks for the next UK government

Picture of Martin Reed

Martin Reed

Martin was the SoA's Head of Communications from 2016 to 2024.
We call on the next Government to support Britain’s cultural heart: with funding and legislation, with transparency and ambition.

As Britain gears up to go to the polls on 12 December, we have published More than Just Words, our 2019 manifesto asks for the next UK Government.

In ‘More Than Just Words’, we call on the next government to realise the treasure that the creative arts and industries represent, and to look after them with a full consciousness of the importance and value of those who work in this field.

Philip Pullman – President of the Society of Authors

Read our top line asks below or download the full manifesto (PDF):

Please read and share with fellow authors and your local parliamentary candidates.

Prescribe fair contract terms and enact the Copyright Directive

Review laws applicable to creator contracts and transpose the Copyright Directive into UK law, including legislation to address unfair contract terms and ensure fair sharing of reward throughout the value chain.

Promote copyright, end piracy

Support and promote a stable and clear framework for copyright in the UK and at EU level – balancing user access and reward for creators – and take decisive action to end book piracy and other copyright crime.

Support the cultural environment and creative education for learners of all ages

Encourage and support creative arts in education and general policy, and value cultural literacy of all kinds and reading for pleasure as centrally important to society.

Back creators and the creative industries

Support creators and sustain an environment where innovation and creativity can flourish. Public funding of the arts must address the needs of writers, translators and illustrators, and replace European funding and opportunities lost through Brexit.

Support freelance workers

Review the laws that impact self-employed workers, ensuring that authors are not penalised by benefits, tax and National Insurance rules.

Axe the reading tax

Remove the illogical imbalance between taxation on printed and digital versions of the same work – to reduce VAT on ebooks and digital publications to zero.

Protect and strengthen our libraries and PLR

Renew support for libraries at national level, to ensure a truly comprehensive and efficient public library service, and to maintain PLR payments.

Champion freedom of speech

Fight for freedom of expression everywhere.

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