Jamila Gavin

Jamila Gavin

Jamila Gavin has been a writer of children’s books since her first book was published in 1979. Since then she has published collections of short stories, contributions to anthologies, plays for broadcasting and the stage, and numerous novels, including Coram Boy, which won the Whitbread Children’s Book of the Year in 2000, and which she subsequently adapted for the classic serial on Radio 4. She was also shortlisted for the Imison Award with her radio play, God at the Gate.

Her first contact with broadcasting was as a child, appearing on All Your Own with Hugh Weldon as a pianist composer. Her second was as a teenager, when she persuaded the BBC to allow her to take a tape recorder and record her family’s return visit to India – the land of her birth – resulting in a programme.  

The seeds were sewn, producing a notion that it would be wonderful to work in the BBC. And this is what happened, after studying music, and before she took to writing. She became first a radio studio manager in Broadcasting House, and then a PA/director in BBC Music and Arts Television.

Her passion for broadcasting – both for radio and television remains undiminished.