Desperate or need to talk?

If you are in urgent need of help there are a variety of support options available. 

If you feel you are at risk of harming yourself or taking your own life, there are people you can talk to who can help immediately:

  • speak to a friend, family member or someone you trust as they may be able to help you calm down and find some breathing space;
  • call or email the Samaritans 24-hour support service on 116 123;
  • go to your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department and tell the staff how you are feeling;
  • contact NHS 111;
  • or make an urgent appointment to see your GP.

If you don’t feel in immediate danger but would like to talk about your circumstances with someone who is trained to listen, the organisations below are there for you.

If you know someone is going through a tough time, what should you say?

It is very common to be worried about saying the wrong thing, which can often lead to us saying nothing at all. When someone is upset, that doesn’t always mean that they need something ‘fixing’. Often people just want some acknowledgement that they are not feeling great and that people care about them.

What do I say? is an information sheet from Camden and Islington Council’s Wellbeing team, which includes tips on how to handle conversations, as well as links to support services.

The Samaritans – 116 123

The free Samaritans phone line is available 24 hours a day throughout the year. There to give you the time and space to talk things through, to try and find a way through your problems, and to explore the options so you can make decisions that are right for you.

Many people do not like talking on the phone and would be more comfortable communicating in writing. This can be a calm and safe way to work through what’s on your mind. Especially if it feels too upsetting to talk about on the phone. Samaritans volunteers answer each email that comes through to [email protected] within 24 hours.

You don’t have to be suicidal to get in touch – nearly half of the emails they receive are from people who are having a tough time, but not suicidal. You can email [email protected]

Shout Crisis Support – 85258

This free 24/7 UK text service is for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. Text SHOUT to 85258 for immediate support. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help. Shout is powered by a team of volunteers, who are at the heart of the service. 

HOPELineUK (prevention of young suicide) – 0800 068 41 41

Specialist telephone service run by suicide prevention charity Papyrus, staffed by trained professionals who give non-judgemental support, practical advice and information to children, teenagers and young people up to the age of 35 who are worried about how they are feeling, and to anyone who is concerned about a young person.

Frazzled Cafe

Frazzled Cafe meetings provide a ‘talk-in’ place where people who are feeling frazzled can meet fortnightly to talk and share their personal stories in a safe, anonymous and non-judgmental environment – a place where it’s ok, to not be ok.

Frazzled Cafe meetings are not about therapy or offering solutions. They provide a safe and confidential space where people can simply speak openly without worrying about judgement amongst a group of peers who understand how it feels to be frazzled. What is said in the meetings stays in the meetings and there is never a need to answer “fine” if asked “how are you?”

Inc Arts Minds

Inc Arts Minds is a service that provides free group therapy for the ethnically diverse arts workforce. Whether you’re a performer, musician, stage manager, creative, producer or someone working in other capacities in the arts, museums and libraries in the UK, you can have FREE counselling support to help you in these challenging times.

Mind Infoline – 0300 123 3393 or text 86463

Mind Infoline can talk to you about where you can find help, and about medication and treatments, and more. They can also provide legal information and general advice on mental health related law. The line is open 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday.

Side by Side Forum – Mind’s online community

It’s a powerful thing to connect with someone else over shared experiences. Side by Side is an online community where you can listen, share and be heard.

Refuge – 0808 2000 247

The UK’s largest single provider of specialist domestic violence services – supporting more than 4,600 women, children and men each day.

Relate – 0300 100 1234

The UK’s largest provider of relationship support, supporting more than a million people each year of all ages, backgrounds and sexual orientations to strengthen their relationships.

Shelterline – 0808 800 4444

Call 0808 800 4444 if you are homeless or at risk of losing your home. Run by housing charity Shelter, their housing experts can advise you, no matter what your housing situation. Shelterline is open 365 days of the year from 8am to 8pm throughout the week and 8am to 5pm at weekends.


If you or someone you know is sleeping rough in England or Wales, visit or download the StreetLink app. Provide as much information as you can and StreetLink’s national team will put you in touch with local support services.

Film & TV Charity Support – 0800 054 0000

Whatever your situation, whether it’s financial difficulties, health issues or something else, and wherever you are in your career in the Film and TV industry, the Film & TV Charity may be able to help. Call the Film and TV Charity Support Line on 0800 054 0000 or send an email to [email protected]


Confidential advice for individuals who have witnessed wrongdoing in the workplace but are unsure about how to raise their concerns.

Switchboard LGBT+ helpline – 0300 330 0630

Founded in 1974, Switchboard LGBT+ is at the forefront of supporting LGBT+ communities in facing the issues of the day. The switchboard is open from 10am-10pm to help you with whatever you want to talk about. Nothing is off limits, and they understand how anxious you might feel before you pick up the phone.